I wanted to take an opportunity to introduce our two new apprentices and my own teacher! This past summer has been nuts and total blast! Weasels on Easels has stepped into the world of crafting suits and has made many new friends!

From Left to Right Above: Apprentice Rain of Pro-Cat-ination Studios, Boones of 1000 Enemies Cosplay, (A suiter I cant name yet, stay tuned!), Me of Weasels on Easels Studio, and last, Apprentice Arctonyx of Weasels on Easels Studios

About the Artists:

 Rain: Pro-Cat-ination Studios

Rain has been an absolute wonder to work with. She learns fast, is very enthusiastic and excited to grow in the community and as a suit maker. She does traditional art on the side and thoroughly immerses herself in her work.

Find her on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/procatinationstudios | She is also on Instagram and Twitter as @procatinationstudios


Boones: 1000 Enemies Cosplay

Boones otherwise known as “The Shawn” has taken me under his wing as a student. He has supported our page and work and has been teaching us a variety of skills useful in much of our work. Topics such as moldmaking, cast and sculpting have all been avid topics in the studio and he is an absolute delight to see at cons. Boones is an expression-able and unique character with so much life and a thrilling backstory.

You can find him on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/1000enemiescosplay/ as well as on youtube as both Boones Leone and 1000 Enemies Cosplay

 Arctonyx: Weasels on Easels

Arctonyx is my amazing mate, and has been at my hip for two years now. As he has emerged as furry in the community has has started working along side me and learning to build suits himself.  He loves collecting rocks and makes wire wrapped jewlery by hand in his spare time when he isn’t lapping stones. He has joined me at several cons and will continue to so look for him and give him a hug!

He is part of my own work, so you can see and pester him through my own page: https://www.facebook.com/weaselsoneasels/

We are all looking forward to many years of creating beautiful artwork and fursuits for you all! Thanks for following along in our journey!



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