“Our vision is to capture the moments and beauty we find in the world as well as our imaginations, through our photography and artwork so that we may share it with the world and that others may share the same joy that we found seeking and creating it.”
Love, Light and Art.
I created Weasels on Easels in 2013, founded on the ideal expressed above. As a way of finding my purpose in this world and bringing a bit of light to the daily lives of others, I strive to grow in my work and support the artist community as a whole. Weasels on Easels has allowed me to do just that, helping me to grow as a person and earn a living through my passion in life.

Allison Wier A.K.A Ashaeda
Founder of Weasels On Easels, Lead Fursuit Maker, Artist and Photographer
I created Weasels On Easels to bring artwork to the world. Initially this artwork was my own mix of wildlife art and photography. I’m proud to have seen it become so much more! While I still create wildlife artwork of all kinds, I’ve become better known for my Fursuit work. I try to bring my love and study of animals and their anatomy into my Fursuit creations to make them look alive and emotional. You can find more about me on my biography page.